Kershaw Barstow Assisted 3.0 in Blackwash Plain GFN Handle

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Kershaw Barstow Assisted 3.0 in Blackwash Plain GFN Handle


Kershaw Barstow Assisted 3.0 in Blackwash Plain GFN Handle

SKU: 4015604 Categories: ,


Kershaw Barstow Assisted 3.0 in Blackwash Plain GFN Handle

The Kershaw Barstow is a little wicked and a lot of value. It’s a folding dagger and everything about this slim, sleek blade is simple, direct, and ready. The straight spear-point blade, sharpened on a single side, is made of 8Cr13MoV stainless steel with Kershaw’s Blackwash coating for a non-reflective,” “”already-broken-in”” look. The coating not only helps protect the blade”, but also hides use scratches. The handle has glass-filled nylon scales with heavy arrow-patterned texturing to enhance grip. A stout steel liner, also with non-reflective Blackwash, provides an equally stout liner lock to secure the blade open during use. Even better, the Barstow opens quickly and easily with Speed Safe assisted opening and the built-in flipper. All the hardware is black-with the notable exception of the Barstow’s tube spacers, which are anodized in blue for a touch of subtle color and eye-catching interest. For convenient and discreet carry, the deep-carry pocket clip enables the knife to ride low in the pocket and is left/right reversible.

Additional information

Weight 0.5 oz
Dimensions 5.0 × 1.5 × 1.25 in

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