Radians R3400 Quad Mic Electronic Earmuff NNR 24

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Radians R3400 Quad Mic Electronic Earmuff NNR 24


Radians R3400 Quad Mic Electronic Earmuff NNR 24

SKU: 1110217 Categories: ,


Radians R3400 Quad Mic Electronic Earmuff NNR 24

Radians R-3400 Quad Mic is an electronic sound amplification earmuff. Four independent microphones provide a full surround sound experience that amplifies low sound level noises while compressing sounds that exceed safe levels. Compact folding feature for easy storage. Included is a 3.5mm stereo input jack and patch cable that works with most smart devices.

Additional information

Weight 0.85 oz
Dimensions 9.5 × 7.25 × 4.0 in

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